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Epoxy chemical resistant tile adhesive for chemical resistant tile

TS 5772-004-74321702-2007

Modified epoxy resin. Original state: Ingredients A – thick grey paste, Ingredients B – viscous clear yellow liquid
Suitable for food processing premises
Water resistance
Resistance to fungal decay
High mechanical strength

Technical characteristics

Ingredients A density
1,65 kg/l
Ingredients B density
1,01 kg/l
Mixture viability at 20°С
30 min
Surface is ready to use for pedestrian load at 20°С
in 8 hours
Surface is ready to use for full mechanical and chemical load at 20°С
in 3 days
Ultimate compressive strength, not less than
>50 MPa
Ultimate tensile strength, not less than
>30 MPa
Fluidity resistance, not more than
2 mm
Acid resistance (H2SO4 20%)
98 %
Alkali resistance (NaOH 20%)
98 %
Water absorption 0,3%
0 %
Shelf life in fabrically closed packaging
12 months
Concrete adhesion, not less than
> 3,5 MPa (pulling test for concrete)
Ceramic and basalt adhesion, not less than
> 2 MPa
Application in the food processing premises
Increased strength
Shore hardness D
77 s.u.
Mixing proportions (А : B), parties by weight
93 : 7
Application temperature, ºС
from 5° to 30°
Operating temperature, ºС
from -30° to 100°


Adhesive is designed for indoor or outdoor ultrastrong fixation of chemical resistant tile, for protection of the building structures in premises of different purposes (including food processing without direct contact with food) places where high demands are placed on resistance to mechanical loads, abrasive wear, aggressive agents exposure with pH level from 3,6 up to 14 hygiene.


  • Application temperature from +5º С;
  • Odourless;
  • Polymer achieves its strength development very fast at earlier hardening stages, allows faster facility commission and this is extremely urgent for operating productions;
  • Surface is ready to use for pedestrian load in 8 hours after application, full mechanical or chemical load is possible in 3 days (at the temperature of 20°С inside the premise);  
  • Has high resistance to the exposure of the majority of chemical agents in various concentrations with pH level from 3,6 up to 14: mineral acids in low and average concentrations (30-50 %), organic acids in low concentrations (up to 15 %), alkalis solutions (up to 50 %), water, oils, fats, oil products, some types of solvents (see chemical resistance list);
  • High adhesive composition plasticity after components mixture;
  • Minimal shrinkage (dry residue after resin polymerization is 98 %), lack of shrinkage cracking;
  • Water and frost resistance, high bioproofness to fungal infections;
  • High resistance to abrasive wear (shore hardness D - 77 s.u.), mechanical strength (compressive strength 50 MPa, tensile strength 36,5 MPa) and increased adhesion to different types of substrate, single-piece articles made from different types of ceramic (including chemical resistant, fireclay  tile), porcelain stoneware, mosaic, natural stone, fused basalt and steel.



All factors preventing proper adhesion shall be thoroughly removed: dust, moving particles, scales, grease, oil stains. It must have mechanical strength or have sufficient bearing capacity. Residual moisture of concrete substrate on depth up to 20 mm must not exceed 10 %. This moisture is obtained after 28 days since concrete base/ screed has been laid in naturally wet hardening conditions. In case of concrete surface reinforcement, decrease capillary leak of water, binding free water (if residual moisture is more than 10 %) usage of epoxy bottoms is recommended. For these purposes epoxy water emulsion based bottom Primer EP 01 (can be applied to dry or wet substrates) will be suitable. If technological break between bottom application and further adhesive layer application lasts more than 12-24 hours (depending on the temperature), it is essential to sprinkle calcined quartz sand fr. 0,3-,07 mm on substrate immediately after priming and spread it evenly over surface. After bottom hardening extra amounts of quartz sand are swept with brush.



Tile adhesive preparation is done by thoroughly components mixing on worksite. For doing this, it is essential to open the bucket with ingredients B (low-viscosity liquid) and pour it into the bucket with ingredients A (thick paste). Ingredients can be mixed directly into the bucket with a mechanical mixer or low-speed (300-400 rpm) electric drill equipped with a special mixing head. Mixing shall be done for not less than 2 minutes to form a homogeneous mixture without stripes, lumps. Special attention shall be paid to mixing composition near walls or bottom of the bucket. Manual mixing of adhesive components is not recommended. Freshly-prepared tile adhesive composition must have elastic, homogeneous, pasty consistence, resistant to subsidence. When mixing paste with hardener it is essential to strictly keep proportions of components written in product passport and in the manual.

Upward and downward variations from stated proportions lead to the loss of hardened composition technical properties!



Tile adhesive Himflex-KX consumption depends on applied type of lining products, according to reference data with recommended layer thickness of 2,5…3 mm is approximately 4…4,8 kg/1 m² tile (excluding decorative framing), 2,8-3,5 kg using comb fitting of 6 mm and it can also be strictly calculated using the following formula:

msc = 1650 × (V layer +V tile joints), kg

where msc – specific consumption for 1 m²;

1650 – specific weight, kg/m³

Vlayer – volume of the layer beneath the tile, m³

Vtile joints – tile adhesive volume in tile joints between lining products, m³


SURFACE USE (at the air temperature from +18º up to +25º С)

  • Surface is ready to use for pedestrian load in these hardening conditions in 8 hours;
  • Surface is ready to use for full mechanical or chemical load in 3 days;
  • In case of lower temperatures the possibility of surface use can be delayed up to 2 days for pedestrian load and 7 days for chemical full mechanical loads. 



  • Not recommended for construction (compensating) joints filling (for this purpose the usage of chemical resistant sealant (mastic) Himflex EPU 510 is more preferable);
  • Clean tile surface before composition hardened (see Application unit)
  • Ready-mixed adhesive shall be applied within 30 minutes.;
  • Do not expose Himflex-KX to chemical load earlier than in 3-4 days after application (depending on air temperature in premises where works were carried out).



  • Wear protective gloves, glasses while working with composition;
  • If skin contact occurs, area should be immediately and thoroughly washed with water;
  • If exposed to eyes, eyes should be immediately flushed with water and seek medical attention immediately.



  • Modified epoxy resin included in ingredients A is not affected by crystallization that allows storage and transportation even at below-zero temperatures;
  • Tile adhesive components (Ingredients A and B) shall be stored in sealed containers in covered storage rooms (in unheated is also possible);
  • In case of tile adhesive transportation and storage at temperature lower than 0º С, unpacking of containers shall be made not earlier than in 24 hours after their conditioning at temperature not lower than 20º С.

Documents and Certificates